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Armenians have been known to travel far and wide in pursuit of trading opportunities for centuries. And India happens to be one of the places that they share a special connection with. Coja Petrus Uscan was one of the prominent members of the Armenian community of Madras in colonial times. A rather remarkable personality, he was known for his fierce loyalty to the British in India. Read on to find out just what made him so extraordinary.
India is a land where folk traditions thrive in abundance and are practised with zeal and devotion. Spirit possession rituals are often an integral part of these colourful traditions and are celebrated in grand festivals. Read on to know more about 5 spectacular spirit possession rituals from across India.
Elihu Yale was a British merchant and a Governor of Fort St. George during the British colonial rule in India. He amassed a huge amount of wealth through illegal private trading, and he supported a horrific practice that was prevalent in those times. So why is Yale University, a premier institution, named after him?
The concept of the "evil eye" has existed for thousands of years and in cultures around the world. And every society has, understandably, developed unique rituals to thwart the evil eye and the misfortunes it brings, some of which are practised even today. What does India do to deceive this malevolent glare? This light-hearted article explores some magic Indian fixes.
In the 17th century, Marthanda Varma, the king of Travancore, refused to trade with the then most powerful multinational in the world, the Dutch East India Company. It led to a war which Marthanda Varma won. But this was only a minor victory. Marthanda Varma, in fact, had bigger ambitions – to chase out the Dutch once and for all with the help of one Dutch military commander, De Lannoy. How did this king make it happen?