Read Short Articles Featuring the Hidden Stories of India- Storytrails


Read short articles featuring the hidden stories of India.

The concept of the "evil eye" has existed for thousands of years and in cultures around the world. And every society has, understandably, developed unique rituals to thwart the evil eye and the misfortunes it brings, some of which are practised even today. What does India do to deceive this malevolent glare? This light-hearted article explores some magic Indian fixes.
In the 17th century, Marthanda Varma, the king of Travancore, refused to trade with the then most powerful multinational in the world, the Dutch East India Company. It led to a war which Marthanda Varma won. But this was only a minor victory. Marthanda Varma, in fact, had bigger ambitions – to chase out the Dutch once and for all with the help of one Dutch military commander, De Lannoy. How did this king make it happen?
Diwali, or the ‘festival of lights’ is one of the most popular festivals in India. There are many myths and legends associated with it, and different regions in India celebrate it in different ways and for different reasons. But did you know that there are certain Hindu communities that don’t celebrate it?
Kalki Krishnamurthy’s magnum opus, Ponniyin Selvan, is a masterpiece in historical fiction. Based on the real events surrounding Raja Raja Chola's accession to the throne, the novel serves up an enticing concoction of espionage, deceit, desire and valour, topped with an ancient murder mystery. What is the real story? And can truth really be stranger than fiction?