Krishna’s Butterball, Mamallapuram – the mystery, myths and the history - Storytrails
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Krishna’s Butterball, Mamallapuram – the mystery, myths and the history

In Mamallapuram, there is a big rock that stands precariously on a slippery incline. No one, no king or commoner, have been able to move this rock or roll in the past 1200 years. Who put this rock there? There are many stories and myths surrounding it.

Visit the famous Butterball at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mahabalipuram, also called Mamallapuram in South India, and listen to stories of how it came to be – the history and more interestingly, the many associated myths.

Mamallapuram is home to many ancient monoliths, cave temples and bas-reliefs built by the Pallavas. These 1300 year-old monuments showcase the evolution of temple building in South India.

Images sourced under Creative Common 4.0 licence and 2.0 licence, and from the public domain. 

  1. Krishna’s Butterball by McKay Savage (…)
  2. Krishna Stealing Butter – Arthur Lawley Photo




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